原廠Open License Program更改公告(英文):
Microsoft Open License program changes
- At Microsoft, we’re committed to supporting every organization wherever they are in their digital transformation journey. We do this by investing not just in technology but also in the end-to-end customer experience, from acquiring the technology to the support experience. This results in the availability of new offers through the Microsoft new commerce experience and in removing purchasing options that no longer meet customer needs.
- The Microsoft Open License program was created over 20 years ago for small and midsized customers to buy multiple perpetual software licenses at a volume price. Microsoft is taking a significant step to simplify licensing by introducing perpetual software license purchases through the new commerce experience, as part of our Cloud Solution Provider program for partners, with a target availability date of January 2021. Small and midsize customers will benefit from a simplified approach and greater flexibility in how you purchase software licenses in a way that’s easy to understand, that directly improves licensing asset management, and with predictable costs.
- You can continue to renew and purchase new software licenses, Software Assurance, and online services through the Open License program until December 31, 2021. As of January 1, 2022, commercial customers won’t be able to buy new or renew software licenses or online services through the Microsoft Open License program. New license-only purchases should be transacted through partners in the Cloud Solution Provider program.
永久授權型 | 訂閱型 | 用量型 | |
常見產品 | Windows、Office、Server | Power BI、Microsoft 365、Minecraft | Azure |
管理站台 | Microsoft 365 Admin Center |
Azure Portal |
付費方式 | 一次付清 | 依照年訂閱費用,一次付清 | 1.預估用量,向客戶先收取金額 2.每月按照實際用量由公司給付 |
代管授權 | 下單完成後,須提供管理者帳號、密碼,或將經銷商加為共同管理者才可撈取金鑰 | 下單完成後,須提供管理者帳號、密碼,或將經銷商加為共同管理者才可協助指派授權 | 每月會提供實際使用量,客戶須自行控管使用狀況 |
下單限制 | 無須湊五套即可下單 |
驗收文件 |
可提供經銷商開立使用權採購文件 |
∣ | ↓ | |
↓ | 沒有管理者權限或教育資格 | |
有管理者權限及教育資格 | ↓ | |
∣ |
↓ | ↓ | |
↓ | |
沒有管理者權限及教育資格 | |
↓ | |
↓ | |
∣ | ↓ | |
↓ | 沒有管理者權限 | |
有管理者權限 | ↓ | |
∣ |
↓ | ↓ | |
管理授權(Microsoft 365 Admin Center):計費→您的產品
指派授權予使用者 - 方法一
- 點選任一欲指派的授權
- 點選「指派授權」
- 輸入或選取欲指派的使用者 (須先建立使用者)
- 點選「指派」,即完成授權指派,使用者可開始使用
- (指派授權予使用者 - 方法一、方法二皆可,可依狀況使用)
指派授權予使用者 - 方法二
- 點選「使用者」、「作用者」,確認右側出現的使用者明細 (若未出現「使用者」選項,先點選左側全部顯示)
- 點選欲指派的顯示名稱
- 點選「授權與App」
- 勾選欲指派的授權
- 點選「儲存變更」,即完成授權指派,使用者可開始使用
- (指派授權予使用者 - 方法一、方法二皆可,可依狀況使用)
Q4.舊有授權是否會轉移至Microsoft 365平台?